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ODA Committee Update
dated July 11, 2003
posted July 23, 2003
July 11, 2003SUMMARY
On July 10 and 11, 2003, the Toronto Star published even more letters to the editor on the ODA issue. When ODA supporters keep sending letters to the Star, this keeps this issue in the public eye.
MORE DETAILThe Toronto Star has now published letters to the editor for three days in a row on the ODA issue. See the letters published on July 10 and 11, 2003 below. For the earlier Toronto Star articles, letters to the editor and editorial that have been published over the past week, visit:
We encourage you to write to the Star to share your views if you have not done so already. Let's keep this issue the focus of public attention. When you write to the Star, not only does this lead to the paper publishing more letters to the editor - It also encourages the Star to keep on covering this issue. Our thanks again to all those who have written to the Star, and a special congratulations to those whose letters have been published so far.
If you have already written to the Star in recent days, why not get friends or family members to do the same. Email your letters to:
On this Sunday, July 13, 2003, it will have been fully 19 months since the Conservative government passed its Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2001, and over eight years since it first promised to pass this law. What changes in accessibility and in full inclusion in society have you experienced so far?
Toronto Star
LETTER, Thursday, July 10, 2003, p. A25
Access solution long overdue
Advocate urges caution on accessibility - July 7.I am disturbed about yet another article referring to disability access. I find it absolutely disgusting that in 2003 the powers that be are still talking about this. This "problem" should have been dealt with 30 years ago. Get on with it!
Jean N. Van Loon, Toronto
Toronto Star
LETTER, Friday, July 11, 2003, p. A23
Access needs action
Disabled access a worthy pursuit
Editorial, July 9.Your ongoing coverage of disability issues and your editorial supporting the need for action on physical accessibility are much appreciated. With reference to your July 7 story, Advocate urges caution on accessibility, Jeff Adams' unjustly negative characterization of the Ontario disability activist movement, and his laissez-faire approach to accessibility issues are entirely inappropriate, even astounding, coming from the chair of the Ontario government's Accessibility Advisory Council.
Contrary to Adams' assertions, the disability movement here has long been pursuing an incremental, non-confrontational and determinedly educational approach to its accessibility rights agenda. Even its recent recommendations relative to the Ontarians with Disabilities Act are a model of patience, moderation and realism. This, in spite of at least 30 years of activism and advocacy on the very same, very basic issues. Clearly, the government's appointment of a rather privileged male athlete, albeit with personal disability credentials, as chair of this important and historic committee was the ultimate in window dressing. The lack of solid factual information, critical analysis and a progressive attitude evidenced by his reported remarks suggests that he is not qualified to perform his duties and should be replaced immediately. The citizens of this province who experience disabilities need and expect a representative who will advocate consistently and passionately on their behalf.
Jean Ann Ledwell, Toronto
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Last updated July 23, 2003