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ODA Committee Update
dated December 19, 2002
posted Dec. 29, 2002



December 19, 2002

The Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee wishes everyone a wonderful holiday season and a barrier-free new year.

Thanks to everyone who helped out over this past year in our ongoing campaign for a barrier-free Ontario. Rest up. We have a very busy year ahead, being barrier-busters and getting ready to raise the ODA issue in the upcoming provincial election.

From now until around January 13, 2002, the ODA Committee is officially going off-line! Emails will not be answered until after that date. Also, our wonderful administrative support provided by CNIB's ever-reliable and dedicated Marg Thomas is also off-line until early in January, as their offices are moving.

Enjoy your holidays while we give your computers a much deserved break from the deluge of ODA email!


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