Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee

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ODA Update
June 14, 2001

The Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee is delighted to announce the establishment of its twenty-third Region.

The Brockville Leeds Region of the ODA Committee was established on June 13, 2001, during a very successful and well-attended public forum on the ODA held in Brockville.

The new Regional Contacts for this region of the ODA Committee are:

Frank Algar
360 Pearl Street West
Brockville, Ontario
K6V 4E5
Telephone (613) 342-1519
E-mail: falgar@recorder.ca

Doug Mather
41 Vanier Drive
Brockville, Ontario
K6V 3J6
Telephone (613) 342-3062
E-mail: dmather@recorder.ca

Congratulations to all those who made this event a great success.

Please contact anyone you know in this area of Ontario and encourage them to contact our new Regional Contacts and get involved



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Last updated June 21, 2001

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