Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee

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ODA Update
April 13, 2001

The Ontarians with Disabilities Act will be the topic of a call-in program on the Michael Coren Show on the CTS TV Network (Crossroads Television) on Monday, April 16, 2001 from 10 to 11 p.m.

The show will focus on the ODA issue as well as the current strike in the Toronto schools, and its impact on students with disabilities.

You can watch this show in the greater Toronto area, usually on Cable 9. It is also available in other parts of southern Ontario, and possibly elsewhere, either via cable or satellite.

If you want to call in, use these numbers:

(416) 203-0302 or (905) 332-3131

If you want to Email in questions, send them in no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, April 16, 2001 to:


Please encourage others to watch this show. If you can, video tape it, and share the video with others to help them learn about the ODA issue. This is a great chance for us to get the word out just before the April 19 Throne Speech.



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Last updated April 16, 2001

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