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ODA Committee Update
dated March 21, 2005
posted March 22, 2005
Liberal Government Tables Package of Proposed Amendments to Bill 118
March 21, 2005SUMMARY
On Friday, March 18, 2005, Ontario's Liberal Government tabled a package of proposed amendments to Bill 118, the proposed Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. (See text below, about 33 pages) We now have the amendments packages for all three parties.
It is important for one and all to let the Government, as well as the opposition parties, know before March 29, 2005, which proposed amendments you think are important.
To see the Conservative Party's proposed amendments package, visit:
To see the NDP's proposed amendments package, visit:
For tips on actions you can take to help read these amendments packages and to advocate for the best overall amendments, visit the announcements listed above re the Conservative and NDP amendments packages. Time is short. The Standing Committee on Social Policy starts debating these amendments, clause-by-clause, on Tuesday, March 29, 2005.
Please send us your feedback on these amendments packages. Contact us at:
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement of standards relating to accessibility with respect to goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings and all other things specified in the Act for persons with disabilities
Government Motions
Government Motion
Bill 118An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement of standards relating to accessibility with respect to goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M _________________
Section 1 of the Bill
I move that section 1 of the Bill be amended by striking out the portion
before clause (a) and substituting the following:Purpose
1. Recognizing the history of discrimination against persons with
disabilities in Ontario, the purpose of this Act is to benefit all Ontarians
by,Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M _________________
Clause 1 (a) of the Bill
I move that clause 1 (a) of the Bill be amended by striking out "occupancy
of accommodation" and substituting "accommodation".Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M _______________
Section 4 of the Bill
I move that section 4 of the Bill be struck out and the following
4. This Act applies to every person or organization in the public and
private sectors of the Province of Ontario, including the Legislative
Assembly of Ontario.Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M ________________
Subsection 6 (3) of the Bill
I move that subsection 6 (3) of the Bill be struck out and the following
(3) An accessibility standard may apply only to a person or organization
that,(a) provides goods, services or facilities;
(b) employs persons in Ontario;
(c) offers accommodation;
(d) owns or occupies a building, structure or premises; or
(e) is engaged in a prescribed business, activity or undertaking or meets
such other requirements as may be prescribed.Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M _______________
Subsection 6 (3.1) of the Bill
I move that the Bill be amended by adding the following subsection:
Same, Legislative Assembly
(3.1) An accessibility standard that applies to the Legislative Assembly
may impose obligations on the Speaker of the Assembly and may apply with
respect to all or part of the Legislative Building or of such other offices
that fall within the jurisdiction of the Legislative Assembly and are
identified in the accessibility standard.Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M ________________
Subsection 6 (6) of the Bill
I move that the French version of subsection 6 (6) of the Bill be amended,
(a) by striking out "Les règlements pris en application du présent article
peuvent créer" at the beginning and substituting "Une norme d'accessibilité
peut créer"; and(b) by striking out "ils peuvent créer" in the portion before clause (a) and
substituting "elle peut créer".Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M __________________
Subsection 6 (7) of the Bill
I move that the French version of subsection 6 (7) of the Bill be amended by
striking out "Les règlements pris en application du présent article peuvent
définir" at the beginning and substituting "Une norme d'accessibilité peut
définir"Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M __________________
Subsection 6 (8) of the Bill
I move that the French version of subsection 6 (8) of the Bill be struck out
and the
following substituted:Portée
(8) Une norme d'accessibilité peut avoir une portée générale ou
particulière et être limitée quant au temps et au lieu.Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M ________________
Subsection 8 (4) of the Bill
I move that subsection 8 (4) of the Bill be amended by adding the following
paragraph:4. Such other persons or organizations as the Minister may consider
advisable.Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilities
Motion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M ______________
Subsections 8 (7) and (8) of the Bill
I move that section 8 of the Bill be amended by adding the following
subsections:Terms of reference made public
(7) After fixing the terms of reference under subsection (6), the Minister
shall make the terms of reference available to the public by posting them on
a government internet site and by such other means as the Minister considers
advisable.Minutes of meetings
(8) A standards development committee shall keep minutes of every meeting
it holds and shall make the minutes available to the public by posting them
on a government internet site and by such other means as the terms of
reference may provide.Government Motion
Bill 118An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M _________________
Clause 9 (3) (a) of the Bill
I move that the English version of clause 9 (3) (a) of the Bill be amended
by striking out "to accommodate" at the end and substituting "to address".Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M __________________
Clause 15 (1) (b) of the Bill
I move that the French version of clause 15 (1) (b) of the Bill be amended
by striking out "un dirigeant" and substituting "un cadre dirigeant".Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M __________________
Subsection 18 (1) of the Bill
I move that subsection 18 (1) of the Bill be struck out and the following
18. (1) The Deputy Minister shall appoint one or more inspectors for the
purposes of this Act and the regulations within a reasonable time after the
first accessibility standard is established under section 6.Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M ______________
Subsection 18 (2) of the Bill
I move that subsection 18 (2) of the Bill be amended by striking out "The
Minister" at the beginning and substituting "The Deputy Minister".Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M ______________
Subsection 20 (1) of the Bill
I move that subsection 20 (1) of the Bill be amended by striking out "or" at
the end of clause (a) and substituting "and".Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M ______________
Subsection 21 (5) of the Bill
I move that subsection 21 (5) of the Bill be struck out and the following
substituted:Failure to comply with previous order
(5) If a person or organization fails to comply with an order made under
subsection (3) or (4) within the time specified in the order and no appeal
of the order is made within the time specified in subsection 27 (1), a
director may, subject to subsection (6), make an order requiring the person
or organization to pay an administrative penalty in accordance with the
regulations.Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M _________________
Clause 21 (7) (c) of the Bill
I move that clause 21 (7) (c) of the Bill be amended by striking out "and
specify the time for giving notice of appeal" at the end and substituting
"within 15 days after the day the order is made".Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M _____________
Subsection 23 (1) of the Bill
I move that subsection 23 (1) of the Bill be amended by striking out "and no
appeal of the order is made within the time specified in the order" and
substituting "and no appeal of the order is made within the time specified
in subsection 27 (1)".Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M _________________
Subsection 23 (4) of the Bill
I move that subsection 23 (4) of the Bill be amended by striking out "within
the time specified in the order" and substituting "within the time specified
in subsection 27 (1)".Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M _______________
Section 25 of the Bill
I move that section 25 of the Bill be struck out and the following
substituted:Order reviewed, etc.
25. Within a reasonable time after making an order under section 21, a
director may review the order and vary or rescind it.Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M _______________
Subsection 26 (1) of the Bill
I move that subsection 26 (1) of the Bill be struck out and the following
substituted:Designation of tribunals
26. (1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council shall, by regulation, designate
one or more tribunals for the purposes of this Act and of the regulations
within a reasonable time after the first accessibility standard is
established under section 6.Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M _______________
Subsection 27 (1) of the Bill
I move that subsection 27 (1) of the Bill is struck out and the following
substituted:Appeals to Tribunal
27. (1) A person or organization that is the subject of an order made by a
director under section 21, 25 or subsection 33 (8) may appeal the order by
filing a notice of appeal with the Tribunal within 15 days after the day the
order is made.Notice of appeal
(1.1) A notice of appeal shall be in a form approved by the Tribunal and
shall contain the information required by the Tribunal.Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M _______________
Section 28 of the Bill
I move that section 28 of the Bill be struck out and the following
28. The Tribunal may attempt to effect a settlement of all or part of the
matters that are the subject of an appeal by mediation if,(a) the parties consent to the mediation; and
(b) the Tribunal considers that it is in the public interest to do so.
Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M _____________
Subsection 30 (1) of the Bill
I move that subsection 30 (1) of the Bill be amended by striking out "The
Minister" at the beginning and substituting "The Deputy Minister".Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M ______________
Subsection 30 (5) of the Bill
I move that subsection 30 (5) of the Bill be amended by striking out
"subsections 21 (3) and (4)" at the end and substituting "subsections 21
(3), (4) and (5)".Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M _____________
Subsection 32 (3) of the Bill
I move that subsection 32 (3) of the Bill be amended by adding the following
clauses:(e.1) consult with organizations, including schools, colleges, universities,
trade or occupational associations and self-governing professions, on the
provision of information and training respecting accessibility within such
organizations;(e.2) inform persons and organizations that may be subject to an
accessibility standard at a future date of preliminary measures, policies or
practices that they could implement before the accessibility standard comes
into force in order to ensure that the goods, services, facilities,
accommodation and employment they provide, and the buildings, structures and
premises they own or occupy, are more accessible to persons with
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesNOTICE
Section 36 of the Bill
The Government recommends voting against section 36.
Reason for notice rather than motion: This notice, which recommends voting
against the section, is provided instead of a motion to delete it. The
reason for this approach is that parliamentary procedure requires that the
Committee vote against the section, rather than pass a motion to delete it
from the Bill, if the Committee wishes to have it removed from the Bill.Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M _____________
Subsection 37 (3) of the Bill
I move that subsection 37 (3) of the Bill be amended by striking out "deemed
to be made on the third day" and substituting "deemed to be made on the
fifth day".Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M ______________
Clause 40 (1) (q) of the Bill
I move that clause 40 (1) (q) of the Bill be struck out and the following
substituted:(q) defining the terms "accessibility", "accommodation" and "services" for
the purposes of this Act and of the regulations;Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M _____________
Subsection 40 (2.1) of the Bill
I move that section 40 of the Bill be amended by adding the following
(2.1) A regulation under clause (1) (r) shall state the reasons for
exempting the persons, organizations, buildings, structures or premises or
classes thereof, described in the regulation, from the application of the
provisions specified in the regulation.Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M ________________
Section 40.1 of the Bill
I move that the Bill be amended by adding the following sections:
Annual report
40.1 (1) The Minister shall prepare an annual report on the implementation
and effectiveness of this Act.Content of report
(2) The report shall include an analysis of how effective the standards
development committees, the accessibility standards and the enforcement
mechanisms provided for under this Act are in furthering the purpose of this
Act.Tabling of report
(3) The Minister shall submit the report to the Lieutenant Governor in
Council and shall cause the report to be laid before the Assembly if it is
in session or, if not, at the next session.Review of Act
40.2 (1) Within four years after this section comes into force, the
Lieutenant Governor in Council shall, after consultation with the Minister,
appoint a person who shall undertake a comprehensive review of the
effectiveness of this Act and the regulations.
2Report to Minister
(2) A person appointed under subsection (1) shall prepare a report on his
or her findings and shall submit the report to the Minister.
Tabling of report
(3) The Minister shall submit the report to the Lieutenant Governor in
Council and shall cause the report to be laid before the Assembly if it is
in session or, if not, at the next session.Further review
(4) Within three years after the laying of a report under subsection (3)
and every three years thereafter, the Lieutenant Governor in Council shall,
after consultation with the Minister, appoint a person who shall undertake a
further comprehensive review of the effectiveness of this Act and the
(5) Subsections (2) and (3) apply with necessary modifications to a review
under subsection (4).Government Motion
Bill 118
An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement
of standards relating to accessibility with respect to
goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings
and all other things specified in the Act
for persons with disabilitiesMotion to be moved in Committee
(On peut obtenir la version française de cette motion auprès du greffier.)M _____________
Section 42 of the Bill
I move that section 42 of the Bill be struck out and the following
42. This Act comes into force on the day it receives Royal Assent.
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Page last updated March 22, 2005