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ODA Committee Update
dated Sept. 30, 2003
Posted Oct. 29, 2003
ODA Committee Asks Citizenship Minister to Provide All Ministry Accessibility Plans, which ODA 2001 Requires the Ontario Government to Make Public Today
SEPTEMBER 30, 2003
The ODA Committee has written to the Citizenship Minister, to ask that he today provide to the ODA Committee a copy of each Ontario Government Ministry's accessibility plan. The ODA 2001 requires each Ontario Government ministry to make its first accessibility plan public today. See the text of this letter below.
With the Ontario election only two days away, the Conservative Government's accessibility plans for each of their ministries, which have been under preparation for as much as one year, will show what the Conservatives have
planned to do to fulfil their commitment to lead by example in this area.*****
c/o Marg Thomas
1929 Bayview Avenue, Toronto ON M4G 3E8
Tel: (Voice direct) 416-480-7686
Fax: 416-480-7014
Voice mail: 416-480-7012
email: oda@odacommittee.net
TTY: c/o Susan Main 416 964-0023 ex. 343
Web site: www.odacommittee.netSeptember 30, 2003
The Honourable Carl DeFaria
Minister of Citizenship
400 University Avenue
6th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2R9Dear Minister,
Re: Ontarians with Disabilities Act
As you know, the Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2001 requires every Ministry of the Ontario Government to make public today its first annual accessibility plan. Your Government proclaimed in force the relevant provisions of that legislation one year ago today, stating that September 30, 2003 would be the effective deadline for the first annual plans to be made public.
Could I ask you to provide me with a copy of the accessibility plan for your Ministry, and for each other Ministry in the Ontario Government by 5:00 p.m. today. To ensure that this can be done in a fast and economical way, could I ask that these each be emailed to me at the following email
If your Ministry does not now have a copy of the accessibility plans prepared by each Ontario Government ministry, could I ask that you immediately forward this request to all the other Ontario Government ministries, and that you ensure that they comply with this request. I am copying this letter to Premier Eves, so that if needed, the Premier's Office can facilitate this.
I thank you in advance for your cooperation. We look forward to being able as quickly as possible to review the accessibility plans that the Ontario Government has developed under this legislation. Ontarians with disabilities have waited a long time to have the opportunity to see them.
David Lepofsky, C.M.
Chair, Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committeecc: The Hon. Ernie Eves 325-7578
Dalton McGuinty 325-9895
Dwight Duncan 325-2201
Steve Peters 325-7262
Ernie Parsons 325-4757
Howard Hampton 325-8222
Peter Kormos 325-7067
Marilyn Churley 325-3252
Tony Martin 325-3720
Barbara Fisher 325-6195
Jeff Adams, Chair, Ontario Accessibility Advisory Council Nadia
Temple, Director, Ontario Accessibility Directorate
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Page last updated Sept. 30, 2003