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October 31, 2001


Ontario Hansard Wednesday, October 31, 2001

Mr Pat Hoy (Chatham-Kent Essex): The Harris government has starved funding, in my community and across Ontario, for vital services to Ontario's most vulnerable citizens: the sick, elderly, disabled, developmentally challenged, and the vulnerable children in our foster homes. For months we have pleaded with the government to increase funding for home care, children's aid societies and residential services such as those available at the Southwestern Regional Centre.

This government must adequately fund community care access centres. Their role in maintaining health and preventing illness makes home care services an essential part of a cost-effective health system. This government's cuts are putting our most vulnerable citizens at risk.

Last Friday I went on a guided tour with members of the Chatham and District Association for Community Living. In a wheelchair, I experienced first hand some of the challenges faced by 1.5 million disabled Ontario residents, things we take for granted but which limit the disabled from full access to their community. Ontario must have a strong Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the funding necessary to eliminate the barriers faced by our disabled community.




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