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October 1, 2001

(During statements regarding International Day of Older Persons)


Ontario Hansard Monday, October 1, 2001

(During statements regarding International Day of Older Persons)

Ms Shelley Martel (Nickel Belt): It's a pleasure, on behalf of the New Democratic Party caucus, to pay tribute to Ontario's seniors today, the International Day of Older Persons, and it is fitting that in a very public way we salute the enormous contribution they have made to Ontario life. Through many years of work and commitment, they have built the public institutions like hospitals, like schools, like colleges and universities, which are so important to the quality of life in Ontario. We salute these seniors, and we urge them to continue to do the important work they do in our communities, providing expertise, providing knowledge, providing support to so many agencies, boards and commissions right across our communities.

But it would be remiss on my part -- indeed, I think I would be negligent --if I didn't spend some time today pointing out how recent and not-so-recent decisions by this government really undermine the quality of life of seniors in our province. ... Finally, Minister, if you really wanted to do something, especially since you promised you would do this in 1995 -- a specific promise made by your Premier -- you would bring forward an Ontarians with Disabilities Act to truly protect disabled seniors in the province of Ontario.




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