Members' Statements
in the Ontario Legislature
re: ODA Legislation
October 2, 2000
Statement in the Ontario Legislature by the
New Liberal Disability Critic, Ernie Parsons,
on Monday, October 2, 2000
Mr. Speaker, my statement to-day is to the Premier.Premier, the citizens of Ontario listened with great interest to
your Priorities speech last Monday regarding your so called
"promises kept" and promises to be fulfilled.Premier, we are not aware that you had made apromise to waste
thousands of taxpayer's dollars by giving the McMichael Art
Collectin back to the McMichael's despite wiining a Court of Appeal
decision stating the opposite. Ontarians are shocked that this item
has been your first priority.We are only too aware, however, that you committed in writing i
1995 to bring an effective and meaningful Ontarians with
Disabilties Act. In 1998 this House approved 11 principles for this
Act to follow. In 1999 the House unanimously approved a resolution
to eastablish a timeline for the Act.Today still no Act.
Instead of helping the disabled, you have in fact mad matters
worse. You have cut funding to programs designed to assist the
disabled. This is unacceptable.Premier, a visually impairede person cannot to this day enter this
legislature building and have access to an elevator with braille
buttons.There are 1.5 million citizens with disabilities in this province.
Premier if you don't care about the disabled. If you are not going
to fulfill your promise to pass an Ontarians with Disabilities Act,
be honest and say so.
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