Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee

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Please Support a Strong & Effective ODA

Members Statements
in the Ontario Legislature

re: ODA Legislation

May 15, 2000


Member's statement:

Ms Marilyn Churley (Broadview-Greenwood): Today marks the beginning of Community Living Week, and I would like to challenge the government to take this as an opportunity to put forward a new plan and a new vision to help people living with developmental disabilities and their families. I challenge the government to:

      1. Adequately compensate workers within the de-velopmental disabilities sector. Low salaries are driving away competent staff and that directly affects people with those disabilities. A survey done by KPMG found that salaries in not-for-profit agencies are 20% to 25% lower than those for people doing similar work in government facilities or other human services sectors.

      2. Recognize that there are a growing number of older parents who are no longer able to support their sons and daughters at home. Without immediate funding and program supports, many individuals will find themselves in crisis, as many are now.

      3. Come forward with a new plan for community-based service, a new vision that will help people living with developmental disabilities better integrate into our communities. This new vision should
        include a mean-ingful Ontarians with Disabilities Act that guarantees existing community barriers will be removed and future barriers will be prevented.

Without a meaningful ODA in place, people living with disabilities in Ontario have no guarantee that they can access public buildings, services and programs. The government promised this five years ago. I call upon them again today to bring in this act.


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