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ODA Action TIP
ACTION TIP dd October 29 , 2002
Give the Ontario Government Your input on Guidelines for Accessible Government Buildings
October 29, 2002SUMMARY
The Ontario Government is consulting with the public on guidelines for
accessibility of provincial government buildings. This consultation is
being conducted by the Ontario Realty Corporation. We encourage one and all
to participate.Below we set out the announcement of this consultation from the
Government's website, including details on how to participate. Please
spread the word. Give them your feedback. Encourage others to do the same,
including organizations that you work for or are connected with.Below also please find the text of the Government's questionnaire. You may
wish to fill it out, or just compose your own feedback and send it in to
them. We encourage the Government to more widely publicize this
consultation, to hold open public forums on it, and to share with the
public the detailed results of the consultation.If you send the Government a submission, please send the ODA Committee a
copy of it. Send it to us at:oda@odacommittee.net
Ontario Government On-Line Announcement
The Ontario Realty Corporation in accordance with the Ontarians with
Disabilities Act is seeking the opinions of stakeholders to help establish
barrier-free design guidelines for government buildings, structures and
premises. There is a short online survey regarding barrier free access to
Ontario government facilities. To access the questionnaire, alternate
formats and background info please click on the following:http://www.orc.on.ca/english/barrier_free.htm
Please take a moment to complete the questionnaire and/or forward this
email to all interested parties.*****
(From the Government's Website)
Welcome to the Ontario Realty Corporation (ORC) questionnaire regarding
barrier-free access to Ontario government facilities.In accordance with Section 4 of the Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2001,
the Ontario government is seeking the opinions of stakeholders to help
establish barrier-free design guidelines for government buildings,
structures and premises.This consultation process provides a meaningful opportunity for
stakeholders to contribute their knowledge and experience to the planning
of enhanced accessibility to government facilities.We encourage you to take this opportunity to share your ideas and thoughts
on this important topic. Once responses have been collected, a focus group
may be formed to discuss the responses and identified priorities to be
considered in the development of the guidelines.Questionnaire Instructions
The following questionnaire has been designed to solicit your input and
specific knowledge respecting accessibility needs of persons with
disabilities. We therefore request that you:- Read all questions carefully;
- Mark your answer in the spaces provided;
- Where more than one answer is appropriate, please identify all that
apply.Please provide any additional comments you may have at the end of the
questionnaire.All questionnaires should be submitted on-line or returned to the attention
of the Ontario Realty Corporation by mail to:Public Consultation on Barrier-Free Access
Guidelines for Government Buildings, Structures and Premises Ontario Realty
Corporation, Facility Support Services
10th Floor, Ferguson Block
77 Wellesley Street West
Toronto, ON M7A 1N3;Or by fax to: (416) 327-2785.
For inquiries regarding this questionnaire or to obtain an alternate format
of the questionnaire you can call:
Voice: toll-free 1(877) 863-9672; or
TTY/TTD: toll-free 1(888) 335-6611 or in the Toronto area (416) 326-0148.The deadline for completing this questionnaire is November 30th 2002.
Confidentiality Statement
The ORC will not be collecting personal information without your consent.
You have the option to provide your contact information on the last page of
the questionnaire. If you choose to do so the ORC will use this personal
information only for the purpose of asking you follow-up questions to your
responses. The ORC will disclose your personal information to an
independent consultant for the same purpose and no other. This information
will not be disclosed to anyone else.Thank you for assisting us by completing this on-line questionnaire.
Q1A Are you interested in this topic because you personally have a
Q1B Which category of disability applies to you? (Check all that apply)
Mobility Limitations (mobility aid users)
Visual Limitations (blind, low vision, colour blind)
Hearing Limitations (deaf, deafened or hard of hearing)
Comprehension Limitations (developmental)
Other Limitations, please specify:
Q2A Are you interested in this topic because your organization/agency
represents a disability group?Yes
Q2B What disability groups do you or your organization/agency typically
represent? (Check all that apply)Mobility Limitations (mobility aid users)
Visual Limitations (blind, low vision, colour blind)
Hearing Limitations (deaf, deafened or hard of hearing)
Comprehension Limitations (developmental)
Other Limitations, please specify:
Q2C Approximately what size population does your agency organization or
association serve or represent?Less than 100 people
100 to 499 people
500 to 999 people
1000 or more people
Don't Know
Q3A Do you or your group/organization/agency directly represent any of the
following sectors?Construction
Regulatory (inspection, administration)
Architecture Design (interior design, landscape design etc.)
Accessibility Consultant
Other sector , please specify:
If none of the above please specify why you are interested in this topic:
IF RESPONDENT ANSWERS NONE TO Q3A THEN GO TO Q4AQ3B What are the main activities of your organization/ group/ agency?
DISABILITY GROUPS AFFECTEDQ4A Which disability groups do you think are most likely and which are
least likely to have difficulty accessing public buildings/facilities and
their exterior spaces?Mobility Limitations
Wheelchair Users
Scooter Users
Walker, cane and crutch users
Visual Limitations:
Low Vision
Colour Blind
Hearing Limitations:
Deaf (e.g., no hearing)
Deafened (e.g., loss of hearing later in life)
Hard of hearing (e.g., limited hearing)
Comprehension Limitations:
Psychiatric / Mental Health
Memory Loss
Other Limitations:
Other, please specify:
Q4B Which disability groups do you think are most likely and which are
least likely to have difficulty accessing rooms or spaces in the building?Mobility Limitations
Wheelchair Users
Scooter Users
Walker, cane and crutch users
Visual Limitations:Blind
Low Vision
Colour Blind
Hearing Limitations:
Deaf (e.g., no hearing)
Deafened (e.g., loss of hearing later in life)
Hard of hearing (e.g., limited hearing)
Comprehension Limitations:
Psychiatric / Mental Health
Memory Loss
Other Limitations:
Other, please specify:
EXTERIOR SPACE BARRIERSQ5A Due to their ABSENCE, which of the following are most likely and which
are least likely to present a barrier to building access for disabled
persons?Exterior Routes
Curb Ramps/Curb cuts
Guards and Handrails
Lay-Bys for Vehicles
Unexpected Level Changes
Paths and Sidewalks
RampsStairs and steps
Arrival and Departure Areas
Bus/Public Transit Shelters
Emergency Routes
Parking (above or underground)
Passenger Loading Zones
Other, please specify:
Q5B Due to their PRESENCE, which of the following are most likely and which
are least likely to present a barrier to building access for disabled
persons?Exterior Routes
Unexpected Level Changes
Stairs and steps
Traffic Islands
Other, please specify:
Q5C Due to their DESIGN, which of the following are most likely and which
are least likely to present a barrier to building access for disabled
persons?Exterior Routes
Curb Ramps/Curb cuts
Guards and Handrails
Lay-Bys for Vehicles
Unexpected Level Changes
Paths and SidewalksRamps
Stairs and steps
Traffic Islands
Arrival and Departure Areas
Bus/Public Transit Shelters
Emergency Routes
Parking (above or underground)
Passenger Loading Zones
Special Areas and Features
Balconies and Porches
Grandstands and Viewing Areas
Outdoor Pools
Parks and Parkettes
Picnic Areas
Sports Fields and Spectator Areas
Terraces and Patios
Viewing Areas
Waterfront Areas
Outdoor Amenities
Benches and Seats
Drinking Fountains
Pay Booths
Public Showers
Public Telephones
Public Washrooms (family washrooms)
Street Furniture (e.g., mailboxes)
Vending Machines
Waste Receptacles
Construction Site ProtectionFreestanding Objects (eg. bicycle racks, light standards, A-frame/stand-up
signs)Garbage Handling
Gates and Openings
Landscape Materials and Planting
Snow Removal/Clearance
Other, please specify:
Q5D: Please add any further comments/explanations with respect to absence,
presence or design of exterior space barriers that will clarify your
INTERIOR SPACE BARRIERSQ6A: Due to their ABSENCE, which of the following are most likely and which
are least likely to present a barrier to access for disabled persons while
in a building?Entrances
Automatic Door Openers
Entrance Doors
Door Markings (e.g., decals and signage)
Door Hardware, Locks and ClosersGlazed Screens and Sidelights
Mats and Mat Sinkages
Pedestrian routes
Elevators and Lifts
Detail Designs
Public Family Washrooms
Other, please specify:
Q6B: Due to their DESIGN, which of the following are most likely and which
are least likely to present a barrier to access for disabled persons while
in a building?Entrances
Automatic Door Openers
Entrance Doors
Door Markings (e.g., decals and signage)
Door Hardware, Locks and Closers
Glazed Screens and Sidelights
Mats and Mat Sinkages
Pedestrian routes
Aisles and Passages
Corridors and Hallways
Interior Doors
Elevators and LiftsEscalators
Exit Doors and Routes
Stairs and Steps
Turnstiles and Control Gates
Detail Designs
Coat Closets and Coat Racks
Cupboard Hardware
Drinking Fountains
Information & Service Counters
Kitchen Areas
Lockers and Storage Cupboards
Mail Boxes
Photocopy/Fax Areas or Rooms
Platforms and Stages
Public Showers and Changing Rooms
Public Family Washrooms
Public Washroom Accessories
Vanities and Work Surfaces
Vending Machines
Water Taps and Flushing Mechanisms
Windows and Window Hardware
Interior Design:
Acoustic Quality
Floor Surfaces (e.g. texture, pattern, colour, tone)
Wall surfaces (e.g. colour, tone, pattern, texture)
Furniture & Equipment
Glazed Screen Marking
Office Partitions
Other, please specify:
Q6C Please add any further comments/explanations with respect to absence or
design of interior space barriers that will clarify your concerns.
BUILDING COMPONENTSQ7A Which of the following building components present a challenge to
disability groups due to design, placement (i.e. in the wrong place) or
Audible Signals (Internal/External)
Government Information/Service Kiosks
Listening Devices
Signage and Way-finding (Interior and Exterior)
Video Display Terminals
Air Conditioning
Life Safety:
Fire alarms
Public address systems
Pull Stations
Lighting and Electrical:
Emergency Power Systems required for breathing equipment
Exit Lighting
Automatic Door Openers
Card Access
Security Lighting
Q7B Please add any further comments/explanations with respect to design,
placement or absence of building components that will clarify your
TYPES OF FACILITIESQ8A What priority would you place on improving access to the following
buildings, structures or premises?Amphitheatres
Assembly Areas
Cafeterias, Restaurants, Dining Areas and Bars
Civic Offices & Council Chambers
Community Centres
Day Care Centres
Detention Areas and Jails
Displays, Exhibition Areas, Galleries, and Museums
Government Offices
Homes for the Aged
Hospitals and Health Care Facilities
Meeting Rooms
Police Stations and O.P.P Detachments
Post Offices
Rehabilitation Centres
Recreation Facilities
Schools and Continuing Education Centres
Seniors Housing
Service Delivery Centres
Storage Buildings/Warehouses
Swimming Pools
Theatres, Cinemas and Concert Halls
Transit Settings
Q9 Please add any additional comments you consider relevant to this
consultation:Additional Comments
If we have any follow-up questions, may we contact you? If so, please
provide the following contact information:Person To be Contacted:
Person Completing Survey:
Thank you for your participation in this important part of the consultation
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Last updated July 24, 2002