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ODA Action Tip
April 13, 2002More Details on the May 2, 2002 Provincial
By-Elections In Nipissing and Peel-Dufferin-Grey-Wellington
To help you and your organization help raise the ODA issue in the May 2 Peel and North Bay area by-elections, here is some information on our new ODA by-election pamphlet, how you can get involved even if you live in Toronto, the names of the candidates, the schedule for all-candidates' debates, and questions you might wish to ask the candidates. we will send out more information when we receive it. Please send this information to your organization's offices in those ridings and get them involved.
You can now download our brand-new ODA by-election pamphlet from our web site
at: ODA Committee By-Election Pamphlet
download as Word doc
dowload as RTF file
If you live in or near one of the two ridings where a by-election will be held,
please print up and hand out copies of this by-election pamphlet to members of
the public. Take it to all-candidates' debates and give it out there. You can
also email it to people you know in those ridings and to the media.If you are part of a province-wide community organization, please contact your
local offices in or near those ridings and get them to print up and distribute
this leaflet.If instead of visiting our website, you would rather have us email you the text
of the pamphlet, send your request to: oda@odacommittee.netHOW PEOPLE IN TORONTO CAN HELP
If you live in the greater Toronto area, and would like to help us raise the ODA issue in the Peel area by-election campaign, where incoming premier Ernie Eves is running, we need your help. To offer your assistance, please contact:
Eddie Rice
(416) 229-9790We are especially eager to organize folks to carpool together to go to
all-candidates debates in the Peel riding.WHO IS RUNNING?
Here are the names of the candidates in each riding for the three major
parties, and the contact information we have. We do not have all contact
information for each candidate as of now. Feel free to check our website at
www.odacommittee.net, which we will try to update if more information comes in:DUFFERIN-PEEL-GREY-WELLINGTON
Conservatives: Ernie Eves
163 First Street
Orangeville ON L9W 3J8
(phone) 519-941-1255
toll-free: 1-866-225-3837
email: Ernie@ErnieEves.com
URL: www.ErnieEves.comLiberals: JOSH MATLOW
199 Broadway
Orangeville, ON L9W 1K2
(Phone) (519)941-2366
Toll-free: 1-877-304-4413
Paul Ruffolo, Campaign ManagerNDP: Doug Wilcox
(Phone) 519-938-8908
NIPISSINGConservativess: Al McDonald
1333 Fisher St.
(Phone) 705-840-5403
fax: 705-840-1707Liberals: George Maroosis
391 Wyld St.
North Bay, ON P1B 1Z3
Phone 705-495-0990
fax: 705-495-0990
email: maroosis@nipissingliberal.on.ca
George Lowe, Campaign Manager
Website: http://www.nipissingliberal.on.caNDP: Wendy Young
236 Algonquin Ave.
(Phone) 705-495-1333
fax: 705-495-1661
email: nipissingndpbyelection@bellnet.ca
Website: http://www.nblabourc.org/ndp/
Monday, April 22nd at 7:30 p.m. at the Agricultural Fairgrounds Banquet Hall.
For further information call the Greater Dufferin Area Chamber of Commerce at:
so far: tentative dates
1. Chamber of Commerce's all-candidates debate
Tuesday, April 23rd
Clarion Pinewood Park Resort
(one bus goes out there once an hour)2. DIA
April 15th
The Legion3. North Bay Network for Social Action
all-candidates meeting on social justice issues
Thursday April 25 at 7 pm
Anishnabe Friendship Centre
980 Cassells St. upstairsQUESTIONS FOR BY-ELECTION
Whether you encounter a candidate at an all-candidates' meeting or other public
event or location, you should raise the ODA issue. Here are questions you might
consider asking:Back in 1995, Mike Harris promised 1.5 million Ontarians with disabilities that
a Conservative Government would pass a new law in his first term, the Ontarians
with Disabilities Act, to achieve a barrier-free Ontario. He did not pass it in
his first term. He finally pass a limited disability law last fall, the very
last law when he was Premier. Many found it quite disappointing. His
Government has left most of the law unproclaimed, so it is not in force.
People with disabilities keep suffering from old barriers and new ones are
still being created.(1) Do you think the Conservative Government should immediately proclaim in
force all the provisions of the Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2001, and that
Premier Eves should meet with the Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee, a
province-wide disability coalition whom Mike Harris refused to meet, though
he was asked to meet 27 different times?(2) Last fall, when the Ontarians with bilities Act bill was before the
Legislature, the Conservative Government rejected almost every amendment that
the disability community proposed to strengthen this legislation. The NDP and
Liberals each supported all the amendments that the disability community
supported.If you are elected, will you support amendments to the bill now to
strengthen it?Let us know what you can do!
ODA Committee By-Election FACTSHEET
download as Word doc
dowload as RTF file
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Last updated April 13, 2002