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ODA Action Tip
October 23, 2001
Even before the Ontario Government introduces its ODA bill, it is important for you to apply right now for a chance to make a presentation to any public hearings that the Legislature may hold on the bill. You can and should apply now, even though the Government has not yet announced whether it will agree to public hearings before a Legislative Committee.It's easy to apply! You can write, phone or even email your request to the Clerk of the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy. That is the Committee that is expected to deal with an ODA bill.
There is no formal formyou need to use. We set out a suggested letter below. You can cut and paste it into a message to the Clerk of the Committee, include your name, address and phone number in it, and then email it to the Clerk. The sample letter below includes that Clerk's mailing and email addresses, and phone number.
We encourage you to get others to do the same thing. This gives you all a chance to have your own say directly and in person to the Legislature on what you want in the ODA. Let the ODA Committee know that you have made this request. You can email us a copy of the message that you send to the Clerk of the Committee. We are at: oda@odacommittee.net
There is now only one month until the November 23, 2001 deadline which the Legislature unanimously adopted two years ago for the passage into law of a strong and effective Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
To: Clerk of the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy,
Room 1405
Whitney Block
Queen's Park
Toronto Ontario M7A 1A2
Phone (416) 325-3509
Email: tom_prins@ontla.ola.org
Dear Clerk,
I hereby apply to be able to make a presentation in person to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy when that Committee holds hearings on any "Ontarians with Disabilities Act" bill, or any bill which addresses the Premier Harris's May 24, 1995 election promise regarding the Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
I ask that hearings be held in my community. I also ask that I and the public be given enough advanced warning of these hearings so that it is possible to participate fully in these hearings.
You can contact me at the following address and phone number:
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Last updated October 23, 2001