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ODA Action Tip
March 26, 2001
Let's Get A Specific ODA Commitment
in the Upcoming April 19 2001
Throne Speech!
Let's build on all the attention the ODA has been receiving in the
media and the public. On Thursday afternoon, April 19, the Ontario
Legislature begins a new session with a Speech from the Throne.
The Throne Speech is the formal Government statement which outlines
what laws it plans to pass in the upcoming session.We encourage you to focus your efforts over the next short while
leading up to April 19 on pressing the Ontario Government to make
a clear, strong commitment on the ODA in the April 19 Throne
Speech.We need a statement in the Throne Speech that includes
these three items:
We know that the simple fact that the ODA being mentioned in the
Throne Speech is not a guarantee that the Government will act.
Nevertheless, this is a great way to focus the Government's and the
public's attention on this issue.Here is what you can do to help:
* Call or visit the office of your nearest Conservative MPP. Urge
the MPP or their staff to tell Premier Harris that the Throne
Speech should include a clear commitment for a strong and effective
Ontarians with Disabilities Act, as suggested above. Remind them
that on November 23, 1999, the Legislature unanimously passed a
resolution which fixes November 23, 2001 as the deadline for a
strong and effective ODA to be passed into law. That deadline
falls within the session of the Legislature that this Throne Speech
covers. If you have time, contact more than one MPP.* Contact your nearest news media. Alert them to this issue.
Encourage them to cover this, especially in their pre-Throne Speech
coverage. Send them some of the recent media reports on the ODA.
If your local media still do not include an article, write up your
own article and submit it.* Let friends and family know about this. Encourage them to act
on this Action Tip. Print up this action tip and distribute it
widely.* Make plans to come to Queen's Park on the afternoon of April 19
to watch the Throne Speech. We are still trying to finalize
arrangements to be sure that Queen's Park will make rooms
available, and ask you to stay tuned for further information. If
you cannot get to Toronto, consider planning a Throne Speech event
in your own community for the same day.* Let us know of any other ideas for action that you try which will
help press the Ontario Government to include a commitment for a
strong and effective ODA in this Throne Speech. Send us your ideas
by Email to: oda@odacommittee.netIf you need a list of Conservative members of the Ontario
Legislature, you can get their contact information from
the Legislature's website at:http://www.ontla.on.ca/members/profileindex.htm
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Last updated March 27, 2001