Searching Hints
Search Rules
Our search engine will help you find documents on the ODA Committee Website or the World Wide Web.
Here's how it works: You tell the search engine what you're looking for by typing words or phrases in the search box.
The search engine responds by giving you a list of all the Web pages in our index relating to the subject. The most relevant content will appear at the top of your results.
How To Use:
- Type the required word/s in the search box.
- Click on the Search button to start your search.
Here's an example:
- Type the word London in the search box.
- Click on the Search button or press the Enter key.
- The Results page will show you the pages on our site that with the word London.
The Basics - An Overview
Here's a quick overview of the rest of our Basic Help. Just click on the links to jump to these sections.
What is an 'Index'?
What is a word?
What is a phrase?
Simple Tips for More Exact Searches
Fancy Features for Typical Searches
For more detailed information see:
(Please note that these are external links that will open up a new browser window)
- About Searching
- Simple Searches
- Basic Search Principles and Rules
- Adjusting Your Search
- Advanced Search Page
- Search Syntax
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Website maintained by Barbara Anello
Please email your feedback on the website.
Last updated June 4, 2003