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Ontario Government's
New ODA Bill 125

November 22, 2001

London/Middlesex Chapter, MS Society of Canada &
Ontarians with Disabilities Act (ODA) Committee, London area

Since the Government has not included London and area in the upcoming
provincial public hearings on Bill 125, we take this opportunity hold our
own public hearings.

Further, we wish to state that this bill is neither strong nor effective and
it does not fulfill the Government's unanimous resolution of Oct. 29, 1998
to comply with the 11 principles put forward by the ODA Committee and
supported by many municipalities, including London.

It is lacking adequate enforcement mechanisms, does not apply to the full
range of disabilities (ambulatory, sensory, mental and intellectual) and
would require the Government to make significant changes so that it would
apply to both public and private sectors.

Please refer to the ODA Committee's Web site at www.odacommittee.net for
further information, including Bill 125 itself, our chair's initial analysis
of Bill 125, our Message to Ontario Businesses and the ODA Committee's
suggestions for amendments.

We invite the public to attend "Shadow Hearings" : a public forum --
to suggest amendments or to comment on
the provincial government's recently proposed


To request a time for presentations:
please e-mail the regional contacts, ODA Committee --
Cathy Vincent Linderoos (clinderoos@rogers.com) with a copy to Frances Bauer
(fbauer@uwo.ca) before December 1, 2001.

We will try to accommodate as many presentations as possible, assign times,
and respond individually to your requests before Sat. Dec. 8, 2001.

No RSVPs are required to attend and observe the presentations.

Saturday, December 8, 2001
Mount Hope Longterm Care Facility
Mainfloor Auditorium (level access)
21 Grosvenor St., London, Ontario
10:00 a.m. to 12 noon
All are welcome!

ASL will be provided



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