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Ontario Government's
New ODA Bill 125
The following is the latest information that we have received on
the times and locations of the Bill 125 Hearings. We will let you
know of any changes as we are made aware of them. We
understand that the Committee is trying to arrange ASL for its
hearings, but has not yet succeeded in arranging this.Hearings are 9 am to 5 pm while outside Toronto.
The hearing locations we have now been told are as follows:
Friday, November 30, 2001: Ottawa - Crowne Plaza Hotel, 101 Lyon
Street in Ballroom AMonday, December 3, 2001: Windsor - Holiday Inn Select Windsor,
1855 Huron Church Road, in the Ambassador RoomTuesday December 4 and Wednesday, December 5, 2001: Toronto
Queen's Park Room 151. Hearing times at Queen's Park: 9 a.m. to 12
noon and 4 to 6 p.m.Thursday, December 6, 2001: Thunder Bay - Victoria Inn, 555 West
Arthur Street, in the Regency C roomFriday, December 7, 2001: Sudbury - Cambrian College, Kofsky
The all-important clause-by-clause debates which we must all try to
attend in Toronto on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 will be at Queen's
Park. We do not have the times or room numbers yet.We have received word about the serious barriers that persons with
disabilities are confronting in their efforts to either present at
these hearings, or just to attend them. This is due to the fact
that this schedule is being set up and announced so late. Also, we
understand that the Committee has not yet told anyone whether they
have been chosen to make a presentation at the hearings.This is not consistent with the Government's stated desire to put
persons with disabilities in the driver's seat to drive change in
this province. We encourage you to let the media know how you feel
about this time frame for the hearings.