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Ontario Human Rights Commission Launches Public
Consultation On Barriers To Education Facing Ontarians
With DisabilitiesJuly 12, 2002
Rights Commission Launches Public Consultation On Barriers To Education
Facing Ontarians With Disabilities
This past week, the Ontario Human Rights Commission announced that it is holding a public consultation on barriers to education facing Ontarians with disabilities. The Commission has released an excellent consultation paper on this topic. It addresses education at all levels from public school through post secondary education. We congratulate the Commission on identifying this priority area for action, and encourage you to participate fully in this consultation. Below we set out the Ontario Human Rights Commission's news release on this topic. If you want a copy of their consultation paper, either visit the Commission's web site, contact the Commission directly, or email us at: We will also seek to post the consultation paper on the ODA Committee's website over the next weeks. In June 2002, the ODA Committee submitted a proposed workplan to the Ontario Government, with detailed suggestions on steps it should take to implement the Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2001. In it we recommend, among other things, the following:
The Ontario Human Rights Commission's initiative bolsters our call for priority action by the Ontario Government in the field of education under the Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2001. We recommend that the Ontario Government, including the Accessibility Advisory Council, seek to coordinate efforts this summer and fall with the Ontario Human Rights Commission. We emphasize the importance of developing regulations under the ODA 2001 to set standards for achieving a barrier-free education system along the lines recommended in our proposed ODA Workplan. The time is ripe for this, since the Ontario Government is now reviewing its entire funding formula for education. The Ontario Human Rights Commission will be holding province-wide hearings this fall. This would provide a great opportunity for the Accessibility Advisory Council to hold join consultations at the same time, to avoid a duplication of efforts. Here is the Ontario Human Rights Commission's information on how to participate in the first phase of their consultation. You will note that the time lines are tight, since they call for written submissions by July 15, 2002. It is hoped that these time lines will be extended given the likelihood that many may not be unavailable during summer holiday season. [editor's note: page amended July 13, 2002 -- The deadline for submission has been corrected to October 7, 2002]
"Submissions can be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the OHRC, at the following address: Ontario Human
Rights Commission Fax: (416) 314-4533 Your written submissions should be provided to the OHRC no later than (corrected date) October 7, 2002 Should you have
any questions about the consultation process, you may Information provided during the consultations is subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The information obtained during the consultation may form part of a report that may be made public." ***** ONTARIO HUMAN
RIGHTS COMMISSION NEWS RELEASE For information: Francois Larsen Commission launches
Consultation on disability issues in ontario's Toronto - Chief
Commissioner Keith Norton today announced that the Ontario "The Commission
is aware there are serious concerns regarding the The Commission's
concerns are raised in the Consultation Paper, Education on-paper.shtml The paper looks
at access to education for students with disabilities, From the feedback
received, the Commission will prepare a Consultation "Education
is a complex field, governed by numerous statutes and The Ontario Human
Rights Code affirms the right to equal treatment in It includes a
broad understanding of disability, and sets out key policy The public consultations
will be held across Ontario this fall. Interested