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Ontario Government's
New ODA Bill 125
December 10, 2001
The New Democratic
Party has tabled a package of proposed amendments to Bill ***** NDP Motion Bill 125 An Act to improve
the identification, removal and prevention of barriers faced MOTION TO BE MOVED IN COMMITTEE Section 1 I MOVE that section 1 of the Bill be struck out and the following substituted: Purpose (a) to achieve
a barrier-free Ontario for persons with disabilities through (b) to ensure
that persons with disabilities play a central role in the Subsection 2 (1), definition of "barrier" I MOVE that the
definition of "barrier" in subsection 2 (1) of the Bill
be "barrier"
means anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully Subsection 2 (1) of the Bill, definition of "disability" I MOVE that clauses
(a) and (b) of the definition of "disability" in (a) any degree
of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or (b) an intellectual disability, (b.1) a brain injury, Subsection 2 (1), definition of "Ontario Government publication" I MOVE that the
definition of "Ontario Government publication" in subsection
2 "Ontario
Government publication" means a publication or an appendix to
a Subsection 2 (1), definition of "organization" I MOVE that subsection
2 (1) of the Bill be amended by adding the following "organization"
means any person, entity, or class of persons or entities (a) every district
school board as defined in section 1 of the Education Act (b) every hospital
as defined in the Public Hospitals Act and every private (c) a board of
governors of a college of applied arts and technology, and Subsection 2 (1), definition of "Scheduled organization" I MOVE that the
definition of "Scheduled organization" in subsection 2 (1)
of Subsection 2 (2) I MOVE that subsection
2 (2) of the Bill be amended by adding at the end Section 3 I MOVE that section 3 of the Bill be struck out and the following substituted: Recognition of existing legal obligations 3. Nothing in
this Act, the regulations or the standards or guidelines made Subsections 4 (1) to (4) I MOVE that subsections
4 (1) to (4) of the Bill be struck out and the Government buildings,
structures and premises Implementation of standards (2) Within six
months after the Government of Ontario develops the standards Deadline (3) The time
period for compliance shall be based on the cost of complying Duty to comply (4) The Government
of Ontario shall certify that the design of buildings, Display of certification (4.1) The Government
of Ontario shall display a copy of the certification Re-certification (4.2) The Government
of Ontario shall renew a certification mentioned in Subsection 4 (6) I MOVE that subsection 4 (6) of the Bill be struck out. Section 5 I MOVE that section 5 of the Bill be struck out and the following substituted: Government goods and services 5. (1) The Government
of Ontario shall not purchase goods or services for the If goods or services not available (2) If the goods
or services are not available in a form that complies with Standards Section 6 I MOVE that section 6 of the Bill be struck out and the following substituted: Government internet sites 6. The Government
of Ontario shall ensure that its internet sites and the Section 7 I MOVE that section 7 of the Bill be struck out and the following substituted: Government publications 7. (1) Ontario
Government publications shall be barrier-free in both format Regulations (2) Within six
months after subsection (1) comes into force, the Lieutenant Other accessible formats (3) Upon receiving
a request by or on behalf of a person with disabilities for Electronic form (4) Despite subsection
(3), upon receiving a request by or on behalf of a Section 8 I MOVE that subsection
8 of the Bill be struck out and the following 8. (1) The Government
of Ontario shall create and maintain a barrier-free Barrier-free employment environment (2) The barrier-free
employment environment shall cover all aspects of Responsibility in Ministries (3) The Minister
and Deputy Minister of each ministry are responsible for Time for training (4) The employees
responsible for implementing the obligation in their (a) within one
year after this section comes into force, if they are deputy (b) within two
years after this section comes into force, if they are not Information (5) The Government of Ontario shall inform its employees of, (a) the rights
and obligations of the Government and its employees under this (b) the steps
that the Government is taking to meet its obligations under this (c) the process
for employees to obtain the accommodation in employment that Accommodation (6) The Government
of Ontario shall accommodate the accessibility needs of its No disclosure (7) Each designated
person shall not disclose to any person any information Refusal to accommodate (8) If the Government
of Ontario decides not accommodate a request for Appeal (9) The applicant
may appeal the decision to the Barrier-Free Directorate by Decision of Directorate (10) The Directorate
shall consider the appeal in accordance with the duty of Reimbursement of eligible expenses (11) The Management
Board Secretariat shall, out of the money appropriated Amount of appropriation (12) The Government
of Ontario shall take all steps within its control to Amount of reimbursement (13) The reimbursement
shall be sufficient to meet the full range of the (14) The standards
shall require reimbursement in an amount that is sufficient Request for reimbursement (15) Within 14
days of receiving a request from a ministry for reimbursement Appeal (16) The ministry
whose request is refused in whole or in part may appeal the Section 9 I MOVE that section 9 of the Bill be struck out and the following substituted: Government-funded capital programs 9. (1) Capital
funding for projects under a government-funded capital program Regulations (2) Within six
months after subsection (1) comes into force, the Lieutenant Section 10 I MOVE that section
10 of the Bill be struck out and the following Ministry barrier-free plans 10. (1) Each
ministry has the duty to ensure that the funding, services, Contents of plan (2) A barrier-free plan shall include, (a) the comprehensive
identification, removal and prevention of barriers to (b) specific
action steps and time lines for performing the duties set out in (c) a report
on the measures the ministry has taken to identify, remove and (d) a statement
whether the ministry has met its obligations set out in the (e) a description
of the measures in place to ensure that the ministry (f) a report
on the Acts, regulations, policies, programs, practices and (g) a list of
the Acts, regulations, policies, programs, practices and (h) a description
of the specific measures that the ministry intends to take (i) all other
information that the regulations prescribe for the purpose of Method of developing plan (3) In developing
and implementing its barrier-free plan, a ministry shall Availability to the public (4) A ministry
shall make its barrier-free plan available to the public in an Enforcement of plan (5) The Ontario
Human Rights Commission shall review all barrier-free plans Section 11 I MOVE that section
11 of the Bill be struck out and the following Municipal barrier-free plan 11. (1) Each
year, the council of every municipality shall prepare and Contents (2) The barrier-free
plan shall include the comprehensive identification, Application of other subsections (3) Subsections
10 (2) to (5) apply with the necessary modifications to a Subsection 12 (1) I MOVE that subsection
12 (1) of the Bill be struck out and the following Barrier-free advisory committee (1) Each year, the council of every municipality shall, (a) establish
or continue a barrier-free advisory committee, of which a (b) if the municipality
has a population of less than 10,000 hold public Duties of committee (1.1) The committee
shall review drafts of the municipality's barrier-free Clauses 12 (2) (a) and (b) I MOVE that clauses
12 (2) (a) and (b) of the Bill be struck out and the (a) that the council owns, purchases, constructs or leases; (b) that the council occupies, whether as owner or lessee; or Subsections 12 (4) to (7) I MOVE that section
12 of the Bill be amended by adding the following Reports (4) Each committee
shall prepare annual reports to the council of the Recommendations (5) If a barrier-free
advisory committee makes recommendations to the council Availability to the public (6) The council
shall make the committee's reports and recommendations and the Compensation (7) The council
of a municipality shall pay reasonable compensation and Section 13 I MOVE that section
13 of the Bill be struck out and the following Municipal goods and services 13. (1) The council
of every municipality shall not purchase goods or If goods or services not available (2) If the goods
or services are not available in a form that complies with Standards (3) In consultation
with persons with disabilities and others through the Section 14 I MOVE that section
14 of the Bill be struck out and the following Public transportation organizations 14. (1) Each
year, every public transportation organization shall prepare a Contents (2) The barrier-free
plan shall include the comprehensive identification, Application of other subsections (3) Subsections
10 (2) to (5) apply with the necessary modifications to a Section 15 I MOVE that section
15 of the Bill be struck out and the following Other organizations 15. (1) Each
year, every organization that is not a ministry, a municipality, Contents (2) The barrier-free
plan shall include the comprehensive identification, Application of other subsections (3) Subsections
10 (2) to (5) apply with the necessary modifications to a Section 16 I MOVE that section
16 of the Bill be struck out and the following Agencies 16. (1) Each
year, every agency shall prepare and implement a barrier-free Contents (2) The barrier-free
plan shall include the comprehensive identification, Application of other subsections (3) Subsections
10 (2) to (5) apply with the necessary modifications to a Joint barrier-free plans (4) Two or more
agencies that are each required to prepare a barrier-free plan No individual plans (5) Agencies
that prepare a joint barrier-free plan are not each required Section 17 I MOVE that section
17 of the Bill be struck out and the following Joint accessibility plans 17. (1) Two or
more ministries, municipalities, organizations specified by a No individual plans (2) Ministries,
municipalities, organizations specified by a regulation made Section 18 recommends voting against this section. Subsection 19 (1) I MOVE that subsection
19 (1) of the Bill be struck out and the following Barrier-Free Council of Ontario (1) The Minister
shall establish a committee of 12 persons to be known in Term of membership (1.1) Each member
of the Council holds office for a term of two years, except Re-appointment (1.2) A member
of the Council may be re-appointed for a maximum of three Public comment on appointments (1.3) Before
appointing any member to the Council, the Minister shall make the Subsections 19 (2.1) and (2.2) I MOVE that section
19 of the Bill be amended by adding the following Same (2.1) As far as practical, the Minister shall ensure that, (a) the members
of the Council with disabilities reflect the full range of (b) the members
of the Council reflect the different regions of Ontario and Chair and vice-chair (2.2) The members
of the Council may select members to serve as chair and Subsection 19 (3) I MOVE that subsection
19 (3) of the Bill be amended by striking out "may" and Subsection 19 (4) I MOVE that subsection
19 (4) of the Bill be struck out and the following Duties (4) The Council shall, (a) provide for
and facilitate the participation of persons with disabilities (b) establish
a central mechanism to ensure that the concerns of persons with (c) ensure that
the Government of Ontario will promote and consider concerns (d) facilitate
consultation with persons with disabilities around Ontario on (e) evaluate
the effectiveness of this Act, the regulations and the standards Powers (4.1) The Council may, (a) consult with
persons with disabilities and others, including those with (b) recommend
to the Minister or the Ontario Human Rights Commission that, (c) undertake
research about the barriers facing persons with disabilities in (d) provide programs of public information related to this Act; (e) consult with
persons with disabilities and others, including those with (f) consult with
persons with disabilities and others, including those with (g) recommend
the development or enactment of new standards or regulations to (h) contract with any person to assist it in carrying out its duties; (i) respond to specific requests from the Minister. Subsections 19 (6) and (7) I MOVE that section
19 of the Bill be amended by adding the following Not confidential advice (6) For the purposes
of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Tabling (7) The Minister
shall lay the annual report before the Assembly if it is in Section 20 I MOVE that section
20 of the Bill be struck out and the following Barrier-Free Directorate of Ontario 20. (1) The employees
who are considered necessary shall be appointed under Duties (2) The Directorate shall, (a) to remove
barriers and ensure that people with disabilities in Ontario are (i) improving people's understanding and knowledge of disability issues, (ii) providing
expert counsel and consultation to ministries of the Government (iii) working
with ministries and offices of the Government of Ontario and the (iv) acting as
a vehicle for collaboration and partnership with the disability (v) providing
leadership, coordination, research, policy development, (vi) participating
on behalf of Ontario at federal and interprovincial (b) support the Barrier-Free Council of Ontario; (c) conduct research
and develop and conduct programs of public education on (d) consult with
ministries, municipalities, organizations or any person or (e) consult with
the persons and organizations that the Minister directs to (f) examine and
review Acts, regulations, and programs or policies established (g) carry out all other duties related to the subject-matter of this Act. Sections 20.1 to 20.3 I MOVE that the Bill be amended by adding the following sections: Government obligations 20.1 (1) This Act binds the Crown. Deadline for compliance (2) Despite anything
in this Act or the regulations, the Government of Ontario Enforcement 20.2 (1) The
Ontario Human Rights Commission and its board of inquiry have Funding request (2) Within three
months after subsection (1) comes into force, the Minister of Conflict 20.3 This Act
prevails in the event of a conflict between it and any other Subsection 21 (1) I MOVE that subsection
21 (1) of the Bill be amended by striking out "five Subsections 21 (1.1) and (1.2) I MOVE that section
21 of the Bill be amended by adding the following Purpose (1.1) The review
shall determine whether, (b) changes are necessary to improve the effectiveness of this Act; and (c) persons with
disabilities are able to participate fully and effectively in Consultation (1.2) In conducting
the review, the Executive Council shall consult with Subsection 21 (3) I MOVE that section
21 of the Bill be amended by adding the following Report to public (3) The Executive
Council shall make a report to the public on the results of Subsection 22 (1) I MOVE that subsection
22 (1) be amended by adding at the beginning "Subject Clause 22 (1) (b) I MOVE that clause 22 (1) (b) of the Bill be struck out. Clause 22 (1) (f) I MOVE that clause
22 (1) (f) of the Bill be struck out and the following (f) governing
the preparation and contents of barrier-free plans under this Clause 22 (1) (h) I MOVE that clause
22 (1) (h) of the Bill be amended by adding at the Clause 22 (1) (i) I MOVE that clause
22 (1) (i) of the Bill be amended by adding at the I MOVE that subsection
22 (1) of the Bill be amended by adding the following (i.1) subject
to subsection (2.2), designating ministers and ministries that Clause 22 (1) (j) I MOVE that clause
22 (1) (j) of the Bill be amended by adding at the end Subsections 22 (1.1) and (1.2) I MOVE that section
22 of the Bill be amended by adding the following Opportunity for comments (1.1) The Lieutenant
Governor in Council shall not make a regulation under (a) published
a draft of it in The Ontario Gazette at least 90 days before (b) allowed interested
persons a reasonable opportunity to comment on the (c) held a public
hearing to allow interested persons an opportunity to (d) made a report
to the public, after the period for comments under clause Restrictions on regulations (1.2) The Lieutenant
Governor in Council shall not make any regulation under Subsections 22 (2.1) and (2.2) I MOVE that section
22 of the Bill be amended by adding the following (2.1) Within
six months after subsection (1) comes into force, the Lieutenant Same (2.2) Within
three months after subsection (1) comes into force, the Subsection 23
(2) of the Bill, (section 55.1 of the Election Act) Accessibility obligations (0.1) Despite
anything in section 34, all ballots shall be in a form that Polling places (0.2) Despite
anything in section 13, the returning officer shall ensure that Same (0.3) Every returning
officer for an electoral district shall ensure that all Subsection 26 (3) of the Bill, (subsection 10 (1) of the Human Rights Code) I MOVE that clauses
(a) and (b) of the definition of "disability" in (a) any degree
of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or (b) an intellectual disability, (b.1) a brain injury, Section 27 of the Bill, (section 103.1 of the Legislative Assembly Act) I MOVE that section
103.1 of the Legislative Assembly Act, as set out in Barrier-free plan 103.1 (1) Each year, the Speaker shall prepare a barrier-free plan. Contents (2) The barrier-free
plan shall address the identification, removal and Same (3) The barrier-free
plan shall include, with respect to the Legislative (a) the comprehensive
identification, removal and prevention of barriers to (b) a report
on the measures the Speaker has taken to identify, remove and (c) the measures
in place to ensure that the Speaker assesses his or her (d) a list of
the policies, programs, practices and services that the Speaker (e) the measures
that the Speaker intends to take in the coming year to Method of developing plan (4) In developing
and implementing the barrier-free plan, the Speaker shall Availability to the public (5) A ministry
shall make its barrier-free plan available to the public in an Enforcement of plan (6) The Ontario
Human Rights Commission shall review the barrier-free plan if Barrier-free deadline (7) Despite anything
in this section, the Speaker shall ensure that the Definition (8) In this section, "barrier" has the same meaning as in the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001. Subsection 28 (1), (section 257.2 of the Municipal Act) I MOVE that subsection
28 (1) of the Bill be struck out and the following Municipal Act (1) Section 257.2
of the Municipal Act, as enacted by the Statutes of Barrier-free requirement (1.1) A by-law
passed under subsection (1) that licenses, regulates and Subsection 29
(1) of the Bill, (subsection 45 (2) of the Municipal Elections I MOVE that subsection
45 (2) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as set out Special needs (2) In choosing a location for a voting place, the clerk shall ensure that, (a) despite anything
in section 41, all ballots shall be in a form that (b) the voting
place is accessible to electors with disabilities unless the (c) the voting
place provides American Sign language interpretation or other