Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee

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Please Support a Strong & Effective ODA

LETTER from Earl Manners, President
Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
to the ODA Committee


Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation

April 22, 1999

Mr. David Lepofsky, Co-chair
The Ontarians with Disabilities Committee
c/o Marg Thomas
1929 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M4G 3E8

Dear Mr. Lepofsky:

The Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF) attended the Ontarians with Disabilities Act Community Forum at the Bloorview MacMillan Centre. Congratulations on a well-attended and informative meeting.

OSSTF shares the concerns of the Ontarians with Disabilities Committee. A strong Ontarians with Disabilities Act would help make our public education system more inclusive and break down barriers to success for many of our students, while supporting the work of our members and ensuring members with disabilities can continue to work.

OSSTF will also communicate this support to our membership and continue to educate our membership regarding the concerns of your committee. We are pleased that both Opposition Parties have written to indicate to you that, if elected, they would create an Ontarians with Disabilities Act consistent with the principles outlined in "Making Ontario Open for People with Disabilities."

We look forward to working with you to ensure success for our students and members.


Earl Manners

60 Mobile Drive,
Toronto, Ontario
M4A 2P3
Telephone 751-8300
URL: http://www.osstf.on.ca


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