Letter from the Hon. Isabel Bassett
Minister of Culture, Citizenship, & RecreationThe Honourable Isabel Bassett
Minister of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation, 6th Floor,
77 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2R9October 19, 1998
Mr. David Lepofiky
Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee
c/o Marg Thomas
1929 Bayview Ave.
Toronto, OntEirio
M4G 3E8Dear Mr. Lepofsky,
Thank you for your letter of October 14, 1998. I responded to your previous letter on October 15, 1998. I hope you have received my letter by now and have also received a list of the organizations that participated in the consultations. This information was posted on our website on October 15th.
I look forward to meeting with your committee on October 22nd. At this meeting I will provide you with an overview of the comments and ideas my Parliamentary Assistant and I heard in our consultation meetings across the province.
I understand our meeting has been scheduled for 4:15pm to accommodate both our schedules.
Isabel Bassett
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