Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee

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Please Support a Strong & Effective ODA




We are delighted to announce the establishment of the 20 Region of
the ODA Committee, the Chatham Kent Region. This comes after a
wondrerfully successful event on Saturday, September 16, 2000.

Here is the information on how to reach our founding regional
contacts for this new Region of the ODA Committee. If you are in
that part of Ontario, please contact them and offer to get
involved. If you are elsewhere, but know people in Chatham Kent,
please encourage them to contact our new Regional Contacts and to
participate. If you are part of a province-wide or national
organization, please notify your nearest local office to help out.

David Katzman
30 McNaughton Avenue
Tel: (519) 627-0777
Fax: (519) 627-8905
email: walcomlv@mnsi.net

Robert R. Shepherd,
770 Richmond Street
CHATHAM, Ontario
Tel: (519) 354-6221
Fax: (519) 354-5152
email: famskent@mnsi.net


Index Page   |  Regional Contacts Page   | 


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