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October 18, 2000


Yet again, another city council has passed a resolution calling for a strong and effective Ontarians with Disabilities Act. On October 2, 2000, as a result of the wonderful efforts of the ODA Committee's Guelph Region, the City of Guelph passed a resolution to this effect.

As part of our "Ontarians Do Care" Campaign, you are encouraged to approach your own city or regional council if they have not yet passed such a resolution. Ask them to do so now. Point out to them how many cities have done so. All those resolutions that have been passed to date can be found at www.odacommittee.net/resolutions.html

Mike Harris' Government thinks Ontarians don't care about having a strong and effective Ontarians with Disabilities Act. These resolutions help prove that his Government is wrong.

Here is a letter to Premier Harris from the City of Guelph
documenting that this resolution was passed.



October 4, 2000

Premier Mike Harris
Premier of Ontario
Room 281 Legislative Building
Queen's Park
Toronto, On M7A 1A1

Dear Premier Haris:

At a meeting of Guelph City Council, held October 2, 2000, the
following resolution was passed:


1. That new Ontario legislation and regulations are required to
achieve the full and equal participation of persons with
disabilities in all aspects of Ontario life by creating a barrier
free society through the removal of existing barriers and the
prevention of new ones.

2. That the government of Ontario be urged to enact a strong and
effective Ontarians With Disabilities Act consistent with the
Ontario Legislature's unanimous October 29, 1998 and November 23,
1999 resolutions before November 23, 2001.

3. That the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Citizenship,
Culture and Recreation and regional MPPs be so advised.

AND THAT this resolution be circulated to the Association of
Municipalities of Ontario."

Yours sincerely,

Lois A. Giles
Director of Information Services/Clerk

cc: Mr. Peter Hicks, Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee
Hon. H. Johns, Minister of Citizenship, Culture & Recreation
Ms. B. Elliott, M.P.P.
Ms. Betty Richard, Special Needs Co-ordinator
Association of Municipalities of Ontario



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Last updated October 23, 2000