Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee

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Please Support a Strong & Effective ODA



October 17, 2000


The Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee is declaring the week from Friday November 3, 2000 to Friday November 10, 2000 as an official "ODA Action Week" across Ontario. Our goal is to get the Harris Government to reject its plans for introducing a do-nothing ODA this fall, and to show that the public does care about having a strong and effective ODA.

During that week, the Ontario Legislature will not be sitting.
Members of the Ontario Legislature will be back in their home communities in their constituency offices. We encourage you to make plans now, either with your local ODA Committee Regional Contact, or with your own organization, or with friends and family, or on your own, to:

* Get this message directly to your local MPP. Make an appointment to see him or her. If unavailable, talk to their staff, in person or on the phone. Get others to do the same.

* Come up with ways to get a clear, strong public showing that the public does care about persons with disabilities having a barrier- free Ontario during that week. Involve as many people as you can. Bring this message to your local media.

* Ask your local MPP to hold a public meeting on the ODA during that week in your community, to give members of the public a chance to show that they care about a strong ODA.

* Let us know what you are planning, and about any other ideas you come up with.

To find out who your local ODA Committee Regional contact is, and how to reach them, visit www.odacommittee.net. If there is no ODA Committee region in your part of the province, why not help get one started?

Please circulate this message widely. More action tips to follow.


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Last updated October 23, 2000