Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee
c/o Deborah Thynn, 271 Spadina Road Toronto, Ontario MSR 2V3

July 4, 1997

Hon Marilyn Mushinski
Minister of Citizenship, Culture & Recreation
77 Bloor St W, 6th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2R9

Dear Ms Mushinski:

Re: Ontarians with Disabilities Act

I am writing to confirm that your offce has agreed to schedule a meeting between representatives of the Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee and yourself on Wednesday, August 20, 1997, at 3:30 p.m. to discuss the development and passage of the Ontarians with Disabilities Act.

In order to enable us to prepare properly for that meeting, and to make most productive use of the time we will have together, we wish to ask for the following:

1. Any proposals your staff has prepared outlining the format for the consultation on the Ontarians with Disabilities Act.

2. Your response to the proposed guiding principles for public consultation which we provided to you at our last meeting (copy enclosed).

3. A copy of the interim report on the impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act which your consultant was to have provided this past Spring, as well as the final report if it has been delivered.

As we mentioned in our letter of May 27, it is important that we have such materials well in advance of our meeting with you so that we will be in a position to prepare feedback for you. Accordingly, we would ask that the materials be provided to us as quickly as possible and, in any event, by July 21, 1997. It would also be appreciated if they could be provided to us both in prnt and on diskette so that we have alternative format access to these materals.

If these materials are provided to us as proposed, then you and your staff can assume that we will be prepared to discuss practical details at the meeting with no need for you or your staff to review the past history of this issue. We will be fully briefed and ready to go.

We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience with regard to the foregoing, and look forward as well to meeting with you on August 20, 1997.

Yours sincerely,

David Lepofsky, C.M.

cc: Hon. Mike Harris
Dalton McGuinty
Dominic Agostino
Gilles Morin
Howard Hampton
Frances Lankin
Marion Boyd
Naomi Alboim
Karen Cohl