c/o 40 Orchard View Boulevard, Suite 255, Toronto, Ontario M4R 1B9
(416) 482-8255
(416) 482-1254 (TDD)
(416) 482-2981

Sam Savona
Bob Fenton
David Lepofsky

December 1, 1995

Mr. Michael Harris
Premier of Ontario
Legislative Building
Queen's Park
Fax: 325-3745

Dear Mr. Harris:

The Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee is a coalition of individuals with disabilities and disability related organizations. The ODA Committee includes the following member organizations:

Bob Rumball Centre for the Deaf, Canadian Hearing Society, Canadian Hard of Hearing Association-Ontario, Canadian Mental Health Association Ontario, Canadian National Institute for the Blind-Ontario, Canadian Paraplegic Association Ontario, Down Syndrome Association of Ontario, Friends and Advocates Centre-Etobicoke, Morrison Resident (Cheshire) Foundation, Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada, Ontario March of Dimes, Oshawa Deaf Centre, Ontario Public Service Advisory Group on Employment Equity, Physically Challenged Outdoors Association, Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus Association of Ontario, Trans-Action Coalition.

Members of the ODA would like to request a meeting with you to discuss the Ontarians with Disabilities Act.

I have enclosed a copy of our committee brief and a copy of the letter you sent to our committee prior to the election in June.

We look forward to meeting with you to discuss this matter further.


Diana McCauley
ODA Committee Member

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