Letter from Hon. Helen Johns
Minister of Citizenship, Culture and RecreationMINISTRY OF CITIZENSHIP,
6th Floor
400 University Avenue
Toronto, ON M7A 2R9
Tel.: (416) 325-6200
Fax: (416) 325-6195
December 23, 1999
Patti Bregman
Barrister & Solicitor
40 Orchard View Blvd., Suite 255
Toronto ON M4R 1B9
Dear Ms. Bregman:
Thank you for your letter, with attached polling data in hard copy and on diskette from Thompson Lighthouse. I am sure the data will benefit me as I seek to expand my knowledge of disability issues.
I would still appreciate receiving a letter from the Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee (ODAC) granting me permission to speak directly with Thompson Lighthouse regarding the poll.
In response to issues raised in your October 1 letter, I have informed the Premier's office of ODAC's request for a meeting. I understand the Premier has written to you directly, suggesting that we keep in touch regarding disability issues.
Regarding your second request, this ministry has not conducted any surveys or polls since 1995 on the issue of barriers or discrimination against persons with disabilities.
Thank you for writing, and for your input on improving access for persons with disabilities.
Helen Johns
c. The Honourable Michael D. Harris
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