Letter to the Honorable Helen Johns
Minister of Citizenship, Culture and RecreationJanuary 11, 2001
January 11, 2001
The Honorable Helen Johns
Minister of Citizenship,
Culture and Recreation
400 University Avenue, 6th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2R9Dear Minister,
Re: Ontarians with Disabilities Act
Thank you for releasing a summary of the public opinion poll that your
Government had conducted last June on the Ontarians with Disabilities
Act issue. We are writing to ask you to provide us with the same detailed
material that we provided to you at your request regarding the Thompson
Lightstone poll that was conducted for us on this topic in 1997. Specifically,
we would appreciate receiving a copy of the actual poll questionnaire and
the detailed breakdown of the results, including demographic breakdown.
It would be helpful if this information could be provided in hard copy as well
as in disc format if possible.
I also want to repeat our offer for you and your staff to review
all of the materials which we brought back from the October 2000
international conference on disability legislation in Washington D.C.,
sponsored by the U.S. government. Because we brought back
a very large quantity of material, and do not have a full set of duplicates,
we would be pleased to work out with your staff an arrangement for them
to go through our materials to select what they want, and for them to copy it.
This material includes information about legislative initiatives in other
jurisdictions. It should be very helpful for your staff.
Sincerely,David Lepofsky, C.M.
Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committeecc: Hon. Mike Harris 325-7578
Norman Sterling 326-2913
Dalton McGuinty 325-9895
Dwight Duncan 325-2201
Steve Peters 325-7262
Ernie Parsons 325-4757
Howard Hampton 325-8222
David Christopherson
Marilyn Churley 325-3252
Tony Martin 325-7111
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